Monday, October 27, 2008

how much longer?

Oh, the indignity! It's a dog's life around here for Calley. Leash only walks. No wild romps in the fields and woods. No chewing socks, cereal boxes, or kindling. No running after UPS trucks. Just quiet convalescing. I must say it's pretty peaceful. But I look forward to the day she can race like a bullet across the field. She is the fastest dog around and she knows it. It won't be long until she is back to keeping us all in our place (like sheep).

Saturday, October 25, 2008

one more

home grown

I'm a sucker for a hand painted sign. I was tempted to stop and get my car washed by a bunch of high schoolers this morning because I loved their sign and their smiling faces. I often stop at lemonade stands, just to support those young entrepeneurs and because I know the care that goes into setting up your first business.

Calley had surgery yesterday. I picked her up today. Some vets spay "rescue dogs" for a reduced rate (Carrie says they do it for free in Biloxi, MS). I found such a place an hour west of here where things are less expensive in general. The drive was beautiful. Lots of trees still have red, orange and yellow leaves, pumpkins dot the fields and apples are for sale every few miles. On the way out I admired the signs. On the way back (with Calley still slightly sedated in the back seat) I stopped and photographed some of them. Traveling east, as soon as I got inside Rt. 495, the signs changed to corporate logos; Dunkin Donuts, Mobile, Shaw's supermarkets.

So here is my tribute to those intrepid farm stand operators who take brush in hand and create what is becoming a lost art. They may not think of themselves as artists but, you be the judge.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

today is somebody's birthday

Mom, John and I visited Donny in Thailand in 1965 where he was serving as a Peace Corps volunteer. The visit to Sukotai to see this huge Buddha made a lasting impression on me (I'm on the left in the photo)
As for the birthday boy, he's the one on the right.
Happy Birthday, Donny!!!
Thanks for always widening my horizons.
And remember...."Manilla is the pearl of the Orient!"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


What sustains you? What do you do that makes you feel grounded or makes you feel for just that moment, that all is right with the world?

I have been asking my friends this lately and wonder, what would you say?
As for me, this photo is part of the answer.
My morning ritual unfolds like this.
When I come downstairs, I put the fire on under the blue tea kettle.
Then I let Calley out of her crate and take her outside, first up the hill behind the house and
then down the driveway to pick up the New York Times which is wrapped in blue plastic.
As I walk back up the hill, our brown dog leaps along beside me, all excited about a new day.

By the time we get back to the house, the water is boiling. I take a round tea bag from the red
Typhoo tea box (I only know of two stores in the Boston area where I can buy this English tea)
drop it into a hand painted Italian mug and let it steep for awhile.
I then add a sugar lump and some milk and carry it to the table.

Now for the Times. I glance at the headlines and editorials. I spend more
time reading them these days. There's a lot to keep on top of!
Then I take the Arts section and fold it back to the crossword puzzle.
Mondays are joyful as I breeze through the puzzle feeling really smug.
As the week goes on they get harder but years of practice have prepared me for this.
I know the difference between axel and axle, I know Jackie's second husband's first name.
I know the name of the river that flows through Florence, I know Woody's son.

Filling in the squares, figuring out the theme, feeling my mind crank away to remember
obscure facts is really satisfying. It is the one thing I can measure in a day.
The steaming cup of tea, the puzzle, the sun streaming in. Ah, these are the small pleasures.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


what took you so long?

puppy fan club

Judging from the comments I get on this blog, Calley has quite a following. Why bother writing, I'll just post pictures of our intrepid pup in a myriad of settings. She is a great hiker, flying up rock faces without a pause. Really, her feet barely touch the ground.
We went to Mt. Desert Island in Maine this weekend. We climbed some old favorites; Penobscot and Sargent Mountains on the foggy day and Acadia and St. Sauveur when it cleared the next day. The foliage was at its peak. We sure missed Carrie and Eliza (and Niki) who have climbed these mountains with us in years past.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Portland, Maine

Portland, Oregon

See new post: "Mexico" below posted in September

Grand Kids

One of the benefits of being the youngest member of my family is that I get to have Grand Kids (as opposed to grandchildren) at a VERY young age! Margaret Tsien has already been presented on this blog (see July 10 entry). She lives in Hong Kong but comes to Maine in the summer, so I look forward to seeing her there each year. I also have Kids out in Portland, Oregon. Here are photos of Jude and Auggie Lizotte and their Granny Ruth, taken when I visited in January.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

parents weekend

Middlebury College 1963

I started attending parent weekends at a young age.
Deerfield, Andover and eventually Middlebury College.
Here I am after a long drive from Summit, New Jersey to Middlebury, Vermont
to visit my oldest brother, Donny. Twelve years older to be exact.

Looking back on it, if you include weekend trips to Canada from
Brookline, I spent a lot of time in the car with my parents. Summer into fall,
Dad had the Red Sox game on the radio. That really
made time fly!
As I got older, Mom grilled me on Latin vocab as we traversed the
Vermont landscape. That done, I read Seventeen Magazine from cover
to cover without looking up.
Before I knew it, we were at the customs in North Troy.

Tomorrow we leave for parents weekend at Bates College.
We won't be in lockstep with name tags, though.
I haven't even registered.
Eliza and friends have taken care of the plans.
We just have to show up.
This is our last official institutionalized parent event.
Eliza is a senior.
Do grad schools have events for parents?
I don't think so.

The weather should be great.
Fall in New England.
Can't wait.