Our family tradition on New Year's Eve has been to reflect on the past year.
When the girls were young, we would each commit to listing 10 highlights of the year. We would retreat to separate corners of the house and scribble away on yellow legal pads each making our own lists and then come together to share. In those days, our lists were pretty much the same because we spent our days together. Although it was always surprising to see what activity or event was most important to each of us.
Now our lives are more separate and our coming together is all the more precious. At dinner last night (they are off with friends tonight) we each shared one high point/surprise of the past year.
I like reflection so much more than "new year's resolutions" which imply that THIS year I will do the thing I have been unable to do in past years.
Better to set an intention; one thing you would like to lean toward in the year ahead. I have to think about mine for next year.
It is snowing and very cold. I sit by the wood stove as I write and wish you all the happiest of new years. Thanks for reading my blog. It's a mysterious, satisfying form of communication. I'm learning as I go. I am grateful to have you join me on the journey!